Jan Walstra. Реконструкция древней окружающей среды Спасины Харакс, столицы Харакены.

Jan Walstra Geological Survey of Belgium, Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences, Brussels, Belgium, Archaeology of Ancient Mediterranean and Near Eastern Cultures, University of Konstanz, Konstanz, Germany RECONSTRUCTING LANDSCAPE EVOLUTION IN THE HINTERLAND OF CHARAX SPASINOU, THE CAPITAL OF MESENE From its foundation to its heydays as trading hub and to its final abandonment, the history of Charax Spasinou was intimately connected with the evolution of the river systems of the southernmost part of the Mesopotamian plain and the shoreline of the Gulf. This ongoing research, which is ...part of the Charax Spasinou Project of the Universities of Konstanz and Manchester supported by the German Research Foundation and the Culture Protection Fund of the British Council, aims to reconstruct the evolution of the landscape and palaeoenvironment around the capital of Mesene, by combining evidence from remote sensing data and geological coring. Here, results from the analysis of satellite image
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