Karpur gauram karunaa avataaram, sansaar saaram Bhujgendra haaram , sai ram .wmv

Karpur gauram karunaa avataaram, sansaar saaram Bhujgendra haaram, Sadaa vasantam hridayaarvinde, Bhavam Bhavaani sahitam namaami I bow to that camphor-hued, white complexioned (Lord Shiva), who is Incarnation of compassion, who is the very essence of (consciousness; the knowing principle) of life (of the embodied soul); Who wears snakes as garlands, whose eternal abode is in the heart of the devotee, I bow to Him (Lord Shiva) and His consort Bhavani (Uma or Paarvati). Karpur (camphor-hued); Gauram (white); Karunaa (compassion); Avataaram (incarnation); Sansaar (life of the embodied soul); Saaram (essence, the knowing principle or consciousness); Bhujagendra (wearer of snakes or who wields the Serpent power of Kundalini Shakti); Haaram (garlands); Sadaa (eternal); Vasantam (resides); Hridayaarvinde (in the heart of the devotee); Bhavam (Lord Shiva); Bhavaani (Uma or Paarvati); Sahitam
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