Shish Taouk - NO MUSIC Version (Digaag La Solay) شيش طاووق
Video with MUSIC:
Moist, juicy, and tender chicken cubes. The chicken is marinated in just a few ingredients that make the shish taouk taste super delicious! VOIR CI-DESSOUS LE FRANÇAIS.
(cs est cuillère à soupe; cc est cuillère à café)
(1 mesure = 237 mL = 2.4 dl; 1 cs = 15 mL; 1 cc = 5 mL); mesures à ras
Shish Taouk:
½ cc (2.5 mL) de Pâte d’Ail
½ cc (2.5 mL) de Gingembre Frais (râpé)
¼ cc ( mL) d
1 view
12 months ago 00:05:19 1
The SHISH TAOUK Marinade Recipe you NEED to Try! Easy Chicken Skewers with Yogurt, Garlic and Lemon!
9 years ago 00:03:24 1
Shish Taouk - NO MUSIC Version (Digaag La Solay) شيش طاووق