Macintosh Guided Tour (Part 1/7): Intro & “Mousing Around“

This is Part 1 of Original Macintosh Guided Tour from 1984 synchronized with original audio cassette tape featuring music of Windham Hill artists, covering the introduction to the tutorial, turning on your Mac and learning the first set of skills lesson: “Mousing Around“. The tutorial was on a single 400K floppy disk which guided the user through a series of lessons to use the previously unknown mouse and desktop-metaphor computer-interface which we take for granted today. A separate audio cassette was required to describe the actions of the pre-recorded tutorial animations as computers were not yet capable of multi-media presentations of this type. No attempt has been made to fix original synchronization errors between the audio cassette and on-screen video. It is presented exactly as the user would have experienced it in 1984. Editorial notes have been presented in yellow subtitles and some original commercial footage has been substituted over the beginning of the tutorial where no visual content is otherwi
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