Machine gunner from 3rd Assault Brigade attacks Russian dugout in Kharkiv

A machine gunner of the 3rd Assault Brigade cleared Russian trenches during an attack to the north of Kharkiv. Bodycam footage revealed the furious assault as the 1st Mechanised Battalion swung into crack overhead as the gunner opens fire and his squad-mates toss grenades at the Russians. He can be heard shouting at the enemy to surrender, but they refuse and keep firing. After a tense firefight, the 1st Battalion capture the enemy trench and can be seen checking for any survivors. All the Russian defenders were either killed or fled, and the squad prepares the trench to repel any counter-att...acks. Russia has been attacking north of Kharkiv since May, in the hopes of stretching Ukraine’s lines thin. But the assault has come at great cost, has gained little ground, and has not led to a breakthrough anywhere else. #russia #ukraine #war Daily Mail Homepage: Daily Mail Facebook: Daily Mail IG: Daily Mail Snap: Daily Mail Twitter: Daily Mail Pinterest: Get the free Daily Mail mobile app:
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