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Pirate Queen
Written by Karliene Reynolds
String Arrangement by Margarita Chernova
Mixed by Nick Dawes
-- | LYRICS |--
Summer of 1720
I found my call
As a pirate of the sea
Feared as any man
And brave as can be
A deadly pirate boy
Oh I plundered
And murdered
And raided the sea
I ra
...nsacked farms
On the isle of Haiti
I fired my pistol
Oh how savagery suited me
But I was tired of bluffing the lads
Tired of living behind the mask
Tired of hiding my love for Jack
Oh, to just be me
So I gathered my courage
And stood on the deck
I tore my shirt
And I bore my breasts
I said ‘fight me
Drown me
Cut my neck!
But, I’ll die as Anne Bonny
Oh I’ll tell you a tale
Of a pirate queen
A she-wolf who reigned
The Caribbean Sea
With a pistol-a-ready
And a cutlass keen
The villainous
Anne Bonny
And so I held my breath
My fists clenched
And I caught Jack’s eye
Nervously holding his head
Then a voice from the back
I heard someone laugh
Then two
Then three
Then four, maybe more
It became a roar
And Jack was laughing too
He said ‘my darling look at you
You’re a pirate
And you’re home’
I’m home
No longer alone
I’m home
Oh I’ll tell you a tale
Of a pirate queen
A she-wolf who reigned
The Caribbean Sea
With a pistol-a-ready
And a cutlass keen
The villainous
Anne BonnyShow more