【ENG】Red Paper-Cut | Drama Movie | China Movie Channel ENGLISH
【Chinese Name】红剪花
【Starring】 钟熠璠 Zhong YiFan / 陈相丞 Chen Xiangcheng / 师悦玲 Shi Yueling
【Synopsis】The lonely disabled girl takes paper-cutting as a companion, but unfortunately, the day after tomorrow, the family becomes more impoverished, changing a life that was originally full of hope. She has become a dispensable person in the village, and even at home makes her feel at a loss. The small piece of paper relieves the girl’s loneliness and melancholy, but what the girl cut out is a story of hope in one’s heart.
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1 year ago 01:29:03 7
【ENG】Red Paper-Cut | Drama Movie | China Movie Channel ENGLISH
3 years ago 01:29:03 31
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