Marcel Ribeiro-Dantas: DataOps/MLOps with DVC

Data Fest Online 2020 ML REPA Track Marcel is currently an Early Stage Researcher at Institut Curie and a Ph.D. Student at Sorbonne Université (EDITE) where he studies causal inference in observational datasets of cancer patients. He holds a Computer and Automation Engineering degree, a graduate degree in Big Data and a Master of Science degree in Bioinformatics, all from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte. He’s an R and Python enthusiast and has been working with data science, artificial intelligence and biomedical engineering since the very beginning of his engineering degree. DVC is an open source Version Control System for Machine Learning Projects. Along with git, DVC allows you to version your source code, your datasets, and even your pipelines. The goal of this talk is to go through DVC showing how this tool and the workflow it brings can make your life as a Data Scientist or Machine Learning Engineer much easier.
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