【English sub】小章天气回暖来赶海,发现沙滩上海鲜集体晒太阳,抓爽了

想要加入小章会员团的小伙伴可以点这里哦 Subscription: 大家好,我是小章,一个生活在山东日照的海边人,从2019年开始做赶海视频,我和大哥从最开始接触这个行业是比较困惑的,每天分享一些我们的赶海视频日常生活,现在看到大家很喜欢我分享的渔民风情和渔家生活,非常感谢每一位粉丝的喜欢与支持。 Hello, everyone, I am Xiaozhang, a woman living on the seaside in Rizhao, Shandong. I started to make videos of picking seafood in 2019. At that time, my husband and I were very confused. Now everyone likes the fishermen’s customs and lives I shared. Thanks for your like and support. 关注我,每天带你抓最新鲜的海货,做最美味的海鲜 Subscribe me, I will take you to catch fresh seafood and cook them every day. 喜欢我的视频赶紧点击订阅,不要忘了小铃铛哦 欢迎在评论区留言互动,小章每天和你不见不散 Turn on the bell, welcome to leave contents, see you every day. [Octopus&Starfish]▷ [Clam&Shellfish]▷ [Fishes]▷ [Xiao Zhang’s Food]▷▷ [Xiao Zhang catches the sea collection]▷ #赶海 #Beachcombing#海鲜
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