Галапагосский канюк/Galapagos hawk facts 🦅 endemic to most of the Galápagos Islands
The Galapagos hawk is a large hawk endemic to most of the Galapagos Islands.
It is similar in size to the red tailed hawk and the Swainson’s hawk of North America, but the size is variable across the islands as is recorded for many animals native to the Galapagos. They appear to be somewhat more heavily built than those well-known mainland species, and going on average weights, this species is the second heaviest Buteo in the Americas, behind only the ferruginous hawk. The adult hawk has various coloring within the species. The adult hawk is generally a sooty brownish-black color; the crown being slightly blacker than the back. Its feathers of the mantle are partially edged with paler brown, grey, or buff, with their white bases showing to some extent. Their tail coverts are also barred with white. The tail itself is silvery grey above, with about ten narrow black bars; below it is quite pale. The wing feathers are paler on inner webs, barred with white.
10 months ago 00:55:44 1
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