Vasaloppet 2021 Sweden 90km Васалоппет Tord Asle Gjerdalen and Lina Korsgren won Vasaloppet
Tord Asle Gjerdalen and Lina Korsgren won Vasaloppet 2021
Norway then Sweden among the men, Sweden then Norway among the women. Tord Asle Gjerdalen won ahead of Anton Karlsson, taking his first Vasaloppet win at a record time – 50 years to the day after Norway’s very first win in Vasaloppet. The women got a new record time too with Lina Korsgren snatching her third win with Marit Björgen in second place.
Women’s class
It was six degrees below zero when 73 women started Vasaloppet 2021 at 07:40, setting off from the provisional start place at Tjärnhedens IP in Sälen. For the first time ever, the women had their own start time in Vasaloppet. Most attention before the race was, of course, on Marit Björgen, making her competition comeback after three years – and competing in Vasaloppet for the first time at age 40. Could the world’s best female skier ever challenge last year’s winner Lina Korsgren? Would Marit’s ski pole training since the summer yield results?
The speed was hi
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Vasaloppet 2021 Sweden 90km Васалоппет Tord Asle Gjerdalen and Lina Korsgren won Vasaloppet
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