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Lyrics and explanation below (Beware of Spoilers)
Original Song: Christina Perri, A Thousand Years
Why another DA song? Because I need some way of processing all of my video game feels, okay?
So once upon a time when I first played Dragon Age: Origins, I knew absolutely nothing about anything so I played a Dalish elf because they seemed all groovy and aligned with the Earth and what not and then I met Alistair and was like, “aww, he’s super cute and funny, I like him“ and eventually it got all super serious. But then waaah, it was like, “Oh shit, he’s gonna be King“ and I had no idea there were things like quests to “harden“ characters/make them stand up for things so he started pulling away.
Then he got all kingly and he dumped my elf ass because now he had King responsibilities and I was pretty sure even if Morrigan’s thing DID work, there was no way at this point I was going to convince my ex to sleep with her in order to save us so... I