Beirut Heritage Part 1 - Construction Animation of traditional houses.

This is Part 1 of a short technical documentary that visits the Old city of Beirut in the late 1800s and early 20th Century. It was composed and 3D rendered for JH Architects and Consulting Engineers, Lebanon. It provides academic and technical information about the old construction procedures during the establishment of the Kaaki House, Fairuz House, Al Sabra House and Bchara El Khouri Mansion, in Beirut. The methodology used during the 1860s for excavating and querying sand-stone for construction and will take a look at how the Old Beiruti House evolved from the ancient Iwan form to its final stages. This video comes as a quick initiative to respond to the recent events in Beirut following the devastating Beirut Port explosion that caused severe damages to Beirut’s iconic heritage sites and houses that date back to the late Ottoman Period. Architect and Restorer Dr. Jad Hammoud (JH Founder) Architect Elise Abi Rached Architect Omar Mougharbel (3D animation) IVI Architecture
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