Houthi Animated Ramadan Series ’The Temporary Entity’ Teaches Children About Evil Nature Of Jews
Shaba TV (Houthis-Yemen) is airing a daily animated Ramadan series, geared towards children in March 2024. In the series, a group of Yemeni children, guided by a hoopoe bird, go back in time using a magical book and track the history of Zionism, and their grandfather also tells them stories about the Jews. In the first episode, a Yemeni boy tells his grandfather that the Arabs must unite and “annihilate the Jews.“ In the second episode the children discuss how the Jews are the “most cunning enemy of the Muslims.“ They travel in time to 19th century Budapest, where the bird tells them that the whole world hated the Jews because of their “evil moral values and because they are treacherous.“ They see Herzl establishing the Zionist movement, saying that this is the first step towards achieving political and economic control of the world. In another episode of the show, Herzl says that he intends to exploit the Dreyfus affair and to bribe the judge or witnesses in the trial. The series was produced by Ofoq for Cartoon Production and aired daily during Ramadan on several Yemeni channels.
The MEMRI Lantos Project exposes anti-Semitism and Holocaust denial in the Middle East region and Middle Eastern communities in the West with the aim of supporting legislation and educating media and the general public.
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