Swedish Bumperball Tournament - (f.d. LXB) - Bubblefootball

Den 13 September 2014 drabbade 80 modiga vapendragare samman i en episk kamp om sveriges första Bubbleball-titel. Alla inblandade förstod att det var någonting stort de bevittnade. Under våren 2015 kommer fler turneringar att hållas i :s landsomfattande sverigeturne. Kolla om din stad ska vara med på Här är den sammansatta filmen från Löga XtremeBall - den 13:e september 2014. Anordnat av Stora Runda Bollar! Bubble Soccer is the team sport with the x-factor! While enclosed in inflatable bubbles you will bounce, roll, bump, flip over and crash into each other! Create an unique event bringi...ng the fun to the next level on your corporate event, Birthday Party, Stag Do, Kids’ Party or just enjoy a hilarious game with your friends. Bubble Soccer is the newest craze that has swept across Europe and America and has now arrived in Sweden (also known as Bubble Soccer is also known as XtremeBall Bumper Ball, Loopy Ball or Body Zorbing). It is a hilarious combination of traditional soccer and big Bubble suits. This transforms you into a human airbag. While your upper body is safely enclosed in a huge inflatable Bubble, players are sent flying through the air as they fight for possession of the ball. You are trying to score by bouncing, rolling, bumping, flipping over and crashing into each other. The name of the game is “Bump or be bumped!“! The game is designed around having fun, so rules tend to be a bit relaxed. Regardless of your level of soccer skills, male or female, kids or adults, soccer abilities are not required! Anyone can play and you can adapt the game to your needs! Ready to become a Bubblehead? Then get suited up in a bubble and Play on !!! Bubble Soccer is guaranteed to bring a smile to your face, whether you are playing or just watching! Info om kommande turnering: Inspirerad av Soundtrack/ljudspår: KSI Bubble Football: Gladiator (2000) Soundtrack : “The Wheat“ : Music - Alloway Grove - Paolo Nutini: Kontakta: @ om ni är intresserade av att veta mer eller om ni är intresserade av att köpa bumperballs. Gilla och dela! Facebook: Twitter: Lyrics Alloway Grove - Paolo Nutini Coming home again To see a girl thats prettier than a diamond shining in the sun Oh what fun! I wonder if she’s been naked in her room since I’ve been gone I wonder if she’s said to them as she said to me before However much you use me baby, come on use me more However much you use me baby, come on use me more Getting off the train To see a girl thats sweeter than an apple picked from Adam’s tree Oh glory be! And I wonder if she’s been pressed against an unfamiliar wall And said to all those men as she said to me before However much you want me, I swear I’ll make you want me more However much you want me, I swear I’ll make you want me more and more and more and more La-la-la, la la la la Arriving at the door Just to be told that the girl I’m missing has been in London for a while No more northern skies for her They say she’s left a letter up the stair for everyone It’s pinned against her bedroom door for all the world to see and she says However much I love you, you will always love me more However much I love you, you will always love me more And I guess it’s true However much she loves me I will always love her more La-la-la la la la la I’ll love you more and more, I’ll love you more I’ll love you more and more, I’ll love you more I’ll love you more and more, I’ll love you more I’ll love you more and more, I’ll love you more and more and more... . Bubble,Football,Soccer,Bubblefootball,lo­opyball,loopy,ball,loopy ball,bubble football,bubblefootball,Sverige,Västerås, Stockholm,Italy,Lagundo,extreme sport,crazy sports,funny,fun,Sports,Action,Extreme,t­ournament,
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