American hoteliers in France.
American hoteliers’ convention held in Reims. Opens w/ straight on shot of front of Reims Cathedral which suffered terrible damage in WWI and is being rebuilt; scaffolding built up in front. Dissolve to shot at foot of scaffolding. MLS Cardinal Lucon telling story of bombardment. 2 shots of details of cathedral front. MS Cardinal speaking. MS people in crowd watching. MS businessmen examining war souvenirs. CU same.
CU German pickel haube helmet. CU man buys some small item. Wide shot conventioneers eating an elegant lunch at long tables in the cellar of one of the great champagne houses; huge vats in BG. MLS woman; 3 men at table; palms in BG. Shot looking down table of men; beautiful floral centrepiece; some of the men raise glasses as in a toast. CU man fills glass w/ champagne from a handy spigot right at the table; decorated w/ roses.
More people at table: 1 elderly man turns another’s head toward camera. Men leaving the lunch. A few men stand outside bldg; 1 hold
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