Pleiadian Sound Healing - Alcyone Frequency ( Binaural Beta Alpha Theta 5.4 Hz Visuals HD )
The sound can distort when loud through headphones so feel free to adjust to a lower volume.
Alcyone is a bright star visible to the naked eye as part of the star cluster, The Pleiadies, approximately 440 Light years from Earth
The main star, Alcyone A, consists of three components, the brightest being a blue-white B-type giant similar to many of the other B-type stars in the Pleiades cluster, a radius almost 10 times that of the Sun.
The closest companion has a very low mass and is less than 1 milli-arcsecond away, with a likely orbital period[clarification needed] just over four days. The other star is about half the mass of the giant and they are separated by arcseconds, or about the distance from the Sun to Jupiter, orbiting in about 830 days.
Taking the Star which takes 830 days for one orbit around The main star of Alcyone and using the formula f=1/t, frequency equals one over time period
f = 1/(830days*24hrs*60mins*60secs)
This is too low a frequency to hear but we can double up 32 octaves to get an audio range frequency
f = (2^32)/(830days*24hrs*60mins*60secs)
Alcyone f = Hz
Likewise for Earth doubling up 32 octaves we get a frequency
Earth year f = Hz
which is the C# Om frequency for Earth year
Inputting these 2 frequencies to an expression function will make the low frequency rhythmical beating frequencies become more pronounced.
This is the formula here:-
sin(2*pi*(2/3 (1/3)*cos(2*pi**t))**((1/)*cos(2*pi**t)-(1/)*cos(2*pi**t)-(1/)*sin(2*pi*t*())))
432*60 which = 25920 years is the time it takes Earth to precess like a spinning top once through the circle of the Zodiac.
Using the same 32 octaves (2^32)/(432*60**24hrs*60mins*60sec) = Hz
We use double this frequency 2* = Hz for the (2/3 1/3)*cos(2*pi**t)) term in the expression formula which makes the waveform go rougher and softer in oscillation at Hz
The waveform is passed through an ascensing filter and descending frequencies filter at the 432*60=25920 years rate.
From psycho-acoustics theory, we can calculate the pulsing vibrating frequencies heard by Alcyone Binary Period of 830 days with Earth Year days doubled up 32 octaves
The ratio of the frequencies is subtracted from the whole number fraction that is close in value to it, multiplied by the whole number fraction denominator:-
1**(( Hz/ Hz) - 2/1) = Hz
3**( ) = Hz
4**( ) = Hz
Beta Hz
Alpha Hz
Theta Hz
Beta brainwaves Frequency: 13-32 Hz
State: Alert, normal alert consciousness, active thinking
For example:
Active conversation
Making decisions
Solving a problem
Focusing on a task
Learning a new concept
Beta brainwaves are easiest to detect when we’re busy thinking actively.
Alpha Brainwaves
Frequency: 8-13 Hz
State: Physically and mentally relaxed
Alpha brainwaves are some of the most easily observed and were the first to be discovered. They become detectable when the eyes are closed and the mind is relaxed. They can also often be found during activities such as:
Just before falling asleep
Being creative and artistic
Theta Brainwaves
Frequency: 4-8 Hz
State: Creativity, insight, dreams, reduced consciousness
According to Professor Jim Lagopoulos of Sydney University, “previous studies have shown that theta waves indicate deep relaxation and occur more frequently in highly experienced meditation practitioners. The source is probably frontal parts of the brain, which are associated with monitoring of other mental processes.”
Most frequently, theta brainwaves are strongly detectable when we’re dreaming in our sleep , but they can also be seen during :
Deep meditation
When we’re doing a task that is so automatic that the mind can disengage from it e.g. brushing teeth, showering. Research has also shown a positive association of theta waves with memory, creativity and psychological well-being.
Relax And May You Be Well And Happy
This session is not to be substituted for prescribed medication from your Care Provider.
If you think you are suffering from a serious illness / disease, please ask for assistance from a Local Medicine professional.
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5 months ago 03:04:48 1
MY HOME- Pleiadian song- #pleiadians #healingmusic #meditationmusic #432hz #myhome
5 months ago 00:00:00 1