UV Light is starting to clear things up, there is a little more clarity in the water.
My 700 Gallon Pond of Fishes; Frontosa Cichlids, Saulosi Cichlids, Clown Loaches, Giraffe Cichlid ( both past away), Bumblebee Cichlid, Yellow Peacock, OB Peacock, Red Peacock, Rummy-nose Tetra, Electric Blue Johanni Cichlid, Electric Yellow Cichlid, Red Jewel Cichlid, Angelfish Cichlid, Swordtail Fish, Bala Shark Fish, Red Line Torpedo Barb, Tiger Barb, Red Crystal Barb, Red Tail Shark (1 past away), Brestlenose Pleco, P
2 months ago 00:14:56 1
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