ベルセルク ロストチルドレン アニメーション【御伽噺】其の弐 (TRAILER)

The final Berserk: Lost Children (Animated Fairytale 2) animation is once again DELAYED. it is about 10 minutes long and will have English subtitles. As of today I have lost entirety of my Blender folder to an SSD lag leaving myself with only my ClipStudio animation cels. I will struggle to rebuild everything and put the full animation out (hopefully within this year). Starring @misty_outa , NORA, @harusanachannel as the main character Puck, Hirona and Shinyan Asano. As always @emmacat6859 on cello, Aaron James on guitar and additional 3D and vocals by Uluncha. PATREON: BANDCAMP: INSTAGRAM: TWITTER: SOUNDCLOUD:
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