The Title ’MCMXCIX’ means 1999 in Roman Numerals. This song is the starting point of this EP, as it is the most blatantly obvious nu-metal/rap metal song that we’ve ever made, which is an homage and tribute to the late 90s nu-metal artists that we loved, and were influential to our music. Extra effort was to make the bass line as funky and catchy as possible, and in contrast to what we originally thought, this track was actually pretty tricky to write. It was actually harder to make a basic nu-metal song as we had to resist our urge to mix more genres and modern music chops. Rather than trying to create something that is hip or trendy, we just focused on having as much fun as possible. Hope you enjoy listening to this track as much as we had fun making it.
MCMXCIX는 로마 숫자로 1999를 의미합니다. 이 곡이 이번 EP의 시작점이라고 봐도 ǟ