Line 6 POD Express: Versatile, HX-fueled Tones Meet Pedalboard Convenience
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For many, the term “POD” in association with Line 6 and guitar tones conjures an image of a burgundy, kidney bean–shaped amp modeler whose sounds were deployed throughout the late-1990s and early aughts, with metal acts like Fear Factory and Godflesh being among the earliest pro-tier adopters. In the three decades following the POD’s debut, an explosive growth in technological advancement has made tone crafting, amp simulation, and numerous forms of emulation more realistic and malleable than ever, going head-to-head with countless analog amps. Now, the POD Express has emerged in a bid to take up the mantle of the guitar — and bass — world’s go-to, pedalboard-friendly amp pedal and effects processor. Sweetwater 6-string scion Nick Bowcott tests the mettle of the Line 6 POD Express to determine whether this voltaic stompbox has inherited the firepower of its innovative predecessor. Tune in to find out!
00:00 — Play-in & Intro
03:16 — Control Knob Tour & Demo
10:10 — Saving a Preset
13:17 — Recalling a Preset
14:52 — Built-in Looper Demo
16:03 — Built-in Tuner Demo
16:35 — Inputs & Outputs
17:21 — Main Volume Control & Headphone Jack
17:57 — Conclusion & Play-out
Learn more about the POD Express’s sonic lineage with Don Carr’s demo of the Line 6 HX One 👉
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#Sweetwater #Line6 #PODExpress #Guitar #Demo #NickBowcott
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