Commoriom - The Life and Death of a Long Forgotten King
Artist: Commoriom
Album: The Life and Death of a Long Forgotten King
Genre: Epic Dungeon Synth, Barbarian Synth
Tags: #Ambient #atmospheric #darkambient #dungeonsynth #epicmusic
1. Prologue 00:00
2. Black Lotus Dreams 03:26
3. Over Hills and Mountains 05:06
4. The Battle 08:54
5. Coronation 11:28
6. Heavy lies the Crown 15:06
7. Bloodlust 18:45
8. The Temple of the Deer Goddess 21:42
9. Climbing the Voormithadreth 25:18
10. Days of Joy 30:11
11. The Coming of the White Worm 34:47
12. Confronting the Beast 38:41
13. The Funeral Pyre 41:46
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Commoriom - The Life and Death of a Long Forgotten King
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