Liszt wrote some delightful waltzes when he was in his twenties and early thirties—Valse de bravoure, Valse mélancolique, Valse-Impromptu—and then more or less abandoned dance forms for forty years. So it has long been assumed that the four Valses oubliées which he produced in his seventies were inspired by some kind of nostalgia for his carefree youth. Although the title (‘Forgotten Waltzes’) seems to confirm that assumption and although there is the occasional sentimental episode, the Valses oubliées are
2 years ago 00:04:45 26
Franz Liszt - La Campanella
10 years ago 00:08:59 1.8K
Liszt Hungarian Rhapsody 2
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Scarlatti, Liszt
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Dmitry Masleev: Liszt - Totentanz
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Liszt Totentanz
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Verdi - Liszt Rigoletto
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La Regata Veneziana/Pur. François Liszt. Zlobina Marya
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Rachmaninoff plays Liszt: Gnomenreigen
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Radu Ratering plays Liszt Hungarian Fantasie, S123 | Finals Liszt Utrecht 2022
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Liszt - Élégie, S168i (Czapiewski)
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Evgeny Kissin plays Liszt Liebestraum No. 3 on Liszt’s original C. Bechstein piano