Us Political Campaign Starts (1964)

Unissued / Unused material - Title reads: “Politics - Presidential Campaign In Full Swing“. American voiceovered newsreel material. Cadillac Square, Detroit, Michigan, United States of America (USA). MS President Lyndon Baines Johnson supporters gathered in large square in Detroit. VS President Johnson addressing the crowds. He says in answer to Senator Goldwater’s views. “Make no mistake, there is no such thing as a conventional nuclear weapon. For nineteen peril filled years no nation has released the atom against another. To do so now is a political decision of the highest order, and it would lead us down an uncertain path of wars and counter- wars whose outcome none may know. No President of the United States of America can divest himself of the responsibility for such a decision.“ California, United States of America (USA). VS Packed Goldwater supporters in the Dodger’s Stadium, Los Angeles. VS Republican candidate for the President of USA Senator Barry Goldwater and Mrs Peggy Goldwater a
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