쉴틈없이 달려온 제24회 부산국제영화제.
어느덧 열흘간의 영화제 기간 중 절반을 달려왔습니다.
놓쳐서 아쉬운 순간들, 다시 마음속에 간직하고 싶은 순간들!
관객 여러분들과 함께 꽉 채우는 부산국제영화제 현장입니다!
Five days in a row, BUSAN International Film Festival has been having a blast with a lot of people.
Now, we are in the mid of the festival.
It’s a recap of last five days so please watch this clip and revive your memory at BIFF2019.
More interesting events are waiting for you at BIFF2019, so do not miss them!
24th Busan International Film Festival
3-12 October, 2019