Ordinarium missae. Mala Punica. Pedro Memelsdorff.
XVIII Международный фестиваль Earlymusic-2015. Санкт-Петербург. Капелла. .
Фрагмент концерта ансамбля Mala Punica (Италия) с музыкой Италии 1380-1420 годов. Дирижирует Педро Мемельсдорф (Pedro Memelsdorff).
Исполняется: Ordinarium missae.
1. Kyrie (cunctipotens genitor Deus), intabulation for keyboard (ff. 88r-90r). Anonymous, Codex Faenza.
2. Gloria, intabulation (ff. 90r-92v). Anonymous, Codex Faenza.
3. Agnus Dei (Codex of Guardiagrele, , Codex Reina, fol. 85r). Anonymous, Codex of Guardiagrele, Codex Reina.
4. Benedicamus domino (Instrumental, ff. 97r-v). Anonymous, Codex Faenza.
The Codex Faenza 117 in the Bibloteca Communale Manfredina is the oldest complete surviving manuscript of instrumental music in the world, started by a single scribe around 1380, but heavily recompiled between 1400 and 1420. In the early 1470s, yet another scribe scraped some of its pages clean and added yet more music, creating a “palimpsest“; a manuscript that has been recycled,
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