LATW Short Story Cinema: Sarah Drew, Sean Astin in ’Deal’

What happens when you want something so badly, you step out of reality to get it? L.A. Theatre Works presents Deal by Barbara Isenberg (The Wall Street Journal, The LA Times), a delightfully funny and surreal eight-minute foray into “short story cinema.“ Originally published as a magazine piece, Isenberg’s Twilight Zone-esque tale introduces us to Marsha, a middle-class housewife who lives vicariously through the world of TV game shows. Sean Astin and Sarah Drew bring the short story to vivid life — without changing a single word. _ _ Deal by Barbara Isenberg Starring Sarah Drew & Sean Astin _ _ Creative Director & Producer: Anna Lyse Erikson Director: Sonia Malfa Produced by L.A. Theatre Works Executive Producer: Susan Albert Loewenberg Editor & Colorist: Cole Greenbaun Sound Designer & Sound Mixer: Ronn Lipkin With Generous Support from Good Company
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