Tripsichord - Musix Box - 1970 - (Full Album) Mega Raro.

1) On The Last Ride - 2) We Have Passed Away - 3) Black Door - 4) The New Word - 5) Son Of The Morning - 6) Short Order Steward - 7) The Narrow Gate - 8) Fly Baby - 9) Everlasting Joy - 10) You’re The Woman - (Bonus) 1971 11) It’ s Not Good - - (Bonus) 71 12) Family Song - - (Bonus) 71 13) Times & Season - - (Bonus) 70 14) Sunday TheThird - - (Bonus) 70 Personnel Are; Randy Gordon - Drums. Oliver Mekinney - Keyboards. Frank Straigt - Lead Guitar. Dave Zandonatti - Bass. B. Carr - Vocals, Guitar. Us - San Francisco Band “Tripsichord“ con il Raro Album 1970 che uscì con solo nove brani. Di Conseguenza Vennero aggiunti cinque Bonus che portarono i brani a 14 e più diventi minuti in aggiunta di musica “Psich.- Acid - Prog.- Rock“ Grande Bell’ album che consiglio a tutti voi.
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