VILEMAW is back! Doom Bot Elise

Description of abilities: Human Form: Neurotoxin (Q) - lvl 5 - Elise fires a toxin at the target enemy that charms him for 1,5 seconds. Volatile Spiderling (W) - Elise summons a venom-gorged spider for 3 seconds, which crawls to the target location. - lvl 3 - The spider have bigger explosion area. Summon 2 smaller spider upon explosion. - lvl 5 - Summon 4 smaller spider and spider cocoon upon explosion. Spider cocoon summon spider every 3 seconds. Cocoon (E) - Elise fires a web in the target direction, stunning the first enemy hit for 2 seconds. - lvl 5 - Summon Spiderlings when stuns an enemy champion. If cocoon land on the floor it create cobweb trap, that become invisible for enemies after 1 second and stuns enemy champion when he stands on it. - Press and hold - If Elise stands nearby terrain she can create a wall trap from cobweb, that become invisible for enemies after 1 second and stuns enem
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