Horse Stance and jumping

Specific exercise improve symptoms, daily full-body exercises remove root causes. 1. Enhance leg strength and jumping ability. 2. Improve heart and lungs function. 3. lose weight. 25 times one set, 3-4 sets every morning. Jumping can enhance the strength of the heart muscle, thereby enhancing the beating ability of the heart, the body will have better blood circulation, better cleaning up metabolic waste and wastewater, so it is very good for metabolizing fat. The body is a system, a good heart enhances the function of the spleen, a good spleen enhances the function of the lungs, the lungs strengthen the kidneys, the kidneys strengthen the liver, the liver strengthens the heart, thus forming a virtuous cycle. So if you want to be healthy, exercise is a good place to start. The body is an intelligent system, we must learn to use it properly, if you do not have time, it is recommended to start with daily full-body exercises, this is the easiest and most effective way. #wudang #taichi #qigong #ancientselfcare #health #chineseculture #tcm #heathylifestyle #exercise #stretching #meridian #foryou #leg #jump #heart #lungs #losefat #loseweight
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