“Ov Rituals, Ov Ancestors, Ov Destiny“ OUT NOW!
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After hundreds of years, lost pages of old, norse grimoire has been found. A woman has been manipulated by Loki to use it. At the night of full moon, she prepared the Ritual of Summoning. After symbolic sacrificing, the wraiths of Åsgårdsreien have been sent to Midgard. They were avatars of Tyr, Freyr and Freya, Loki and a nameless, forgotten warrior.
She got rid of her humanity, free will and her soul in exchange of becoming an Ei
...nherjar in Valhalla.
Her spirit will wander through the Nine Worlds until the day of Ragnarök, when she will finally die - forever.
Wrath of the Gods has been awaken. Her ashes fed the roots of Yggdrasil.
Directed by Łukasz Klat (Swollen Rat Studio) and Pandrador, 2019.
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