- Rikidozan vs. The Destroyer

2 Out of 3 Falls NWA International Heavyweight Championship Japan Pro Wrestling Alliance International Championship Series Tokyo Metropolitan Gymnasium This is our first full match, and it’s one I’m very glad to have in full. THE DESTROYER is here finally, perhaps one of the funnest wrestlers to see just exist. In a way this is fitting, as we will come to know Destroyer more in the coming years, meanwhile this is likely the last Rikidozan match I will upload. Later this month, he’s stabbed with a urine-soaked knife and dies from the injuries sustained. From hereon, the class of talent studying underneath him is at the wheel. Everyone will have known of Rikidozan’s importance, but I think his actual quality as a wrestler isn’t discussed as much as it should be. He’s a brilliant, dynamic and magnetic performer. Utterly deserving of his reputation. It sucks he got killed Anyways, this match is awesome
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