If you need some basic bunkai for Sanseru, check out our chapters below! A move-by-move analysis of the entry-level bunkai (kihon bunkai) for this kata within the Goju Ryu system.
00:00 - 02:03 - Chudan uke and gyaku zuki (chest block and reverse punch)
02:39 - Hike uke and pullback (hikite)
03:19 - Break out and sukui uke
04:32 - Double maegeri (front kick)
05:40 -Empi uchi, gyaku zuki, kansetsu geri (elbow block, reverse punch, joint kick)
06:55 - Juji uke (cross-block
11:17 - Morote uke and morote zuki (kiai point)
13:50 - double ko uke (inu no kamae)
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1 view
10 months ago 00:02:03 1
Unsu (雲手) kata effective bunkai nr. 1 - Gedan barai/Tate Shuto
10 months ago 00:02:33 1
Unsu (雲手) kata effective bunkai nr. 2 - Keito uke
1 year ago 00:10:19 1
Intro to Goju Ryu Saifa Kata - Basics, Stances and Tips