Uncovering Earth’s Pre-flood Civilization

8,000 Films, Shows & Classes on Gaia. Start Your Free Trial - There are signs of otherworldly beings everywhere in the ancient world. Were these gods or beings from elsewhere? Freddy Silva has studied many of these signs, from ancient Egypt to the Americas. From petroglyphs to standing stones and temples, he explains that the wisdom found with the symbols of serpent people are keys to humanity’s ascension. He reveals that the home of these ancient beings may have been the astronomical region we now call Orion. About Gaia: Gaia offers the largest resource of consciousness expanding videos. Answer life’s deeper questions and go beyond the mainstream narrative with Gaia— a member-supported media network of truth seekers and believers empowering an evolution of consciousness. Explore over 8,000 ad-free, streaming titles that challenge modern paradigms and allow you to manifest the reality that defines your being. You can experience Gaia in English, Spanish, Ger
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