Akua Naru vo svojich piesňach hovorí o postavení Afroameričaniek v histórii USA vychádzajúc z myšlienok ľudí ako Malcolm X či spisovateľky Toni Morrison. Spolupracovala s umelcami ako Questlove, Agelique Kidjo, tUnE-yArDs Tony Allen či Cody ChesnuTT Takto znel jej príjemný ambientný hip-hop počas Pohody 2019 na Orange stagei.
Akua Naru raps about the status of African-American women in US history building on the ideas of people such as Malcolm X or the writer Toni Morrison. She has colaborated with the artists as Questlove, Agelique Kidjo, tUnE-yArDs, Tony Allen, Cody ChesnuTT and more. Here you can check her ambient hip-hop sounded like during Pohoda 2019 at Orange stage.
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8 months ago 00:01:27 5
Akua Naru - Poetry: How Does It Feel? | Choreography by Elizaveta Sergeeva