John Tschohl on customer service, his latest book and word “Yes“/ Pavel Verbnyak
For over 45 years, John Tschohl has been solely focused on helping organizations drive a service culture through his technology built on practicality, simplicity, and common sense. With his credibility and focus on empowerment, he has the ability to emotionally communicate the power of the service strategy from top executives to the total workforce.
Tschohl is dynamic, hard-hitting, and inspirational. His experience and “guru” status provide the credibility critical to get management buy-in. He will create an emotional buy-in using measurable data that CEO’s respond to. His books are especially recognized and esteemed by senior executives as the most powerful must-reads in Customer Service. His new book Relentless was just released. John’s common sense message is built around his 45 years in speaking, designing training programs, and developing a high-performance workforce.
4 years ago 00:35:53 1
John Tschohl on habits. books and success / Джон Шоул о привычках, книгах и успехе
4 years ago 00:22:09 8
John Tschohl on customer service, his latest book and word “Yes“/ Pavel Verbnyak
5 years ago 00:23:08 1
John Tschohl: Goals, success and personal development [Секреты успеха с Павлом Вербняком]
6 years ago 03:19:22 1
Мастер класс Джона Шоула в компании Рольф Неделя с John Tschohl мировым сервис гуру в Москве