(6306) Audiobook: Meet Your Strawman (PT.1) - YouTube
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Disclaimer: This is my first Audiobook. Pardon some of the stuttering I have a speech impediment. So I’ve slowed down to a comfortable pace for the recording. Everything read in this video does not belong to me (The Reader), but to the author of the book. This Audiobook is merely to bring awareness to information many people do not know about. Farther research should be done before any actions are taken.
Summary: Meet Your Strawman is a book reference to information dealing with ideas to what a strawman is, what brings on the role and goal of a strawman. Also tells brief ways to free yourself from the ongoing cycle of routine institution entrapment. From speaking on Birth Certificates, To having a Drivers license. There is a bit of everything within the book. The gove
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2 years ago 00:38:43 1
(6306) Audiobook: Meet Your Strawman (PT.1) - YouTube