[EHE MEP 21] Avalanche | Sonic’s 33rd Anniversary Full MEP
Hello everyone! It is Sonic’s Anniversary once again, and I hope you all enjoy this MEP for the blue blur’s special day.
Keep in mind that this will be the last 30 Seconds To Mars MEP that we will ever make. The reason for that can be found on this document:
I’d also like to remind you all that our break starts now. We will return with hosting MEPs sometime in October. For those who may have missed the announcement: we simply want a break from hosting so many MEPs in a row. Hosting a lot of MEPs at once can be rather hectic, and we would rather take a break to avoid a burnout.
We will still be accepting audition videos during this break period.
[Custom intro & outro]
Very special thanks goes to @diakitty45 for creating the custom intro/outro animations.
Go check out her channel!
Very special thanks also goes to @RockOnRatchet95 for creating the end card screen.
Go check out their channel!
Intro: 0:00
Track 1: @SonicXization | 0:12
Track 2: @SolarisFox_svp | 0:25
Track 3: @dadderuckediting8297 | 0:40
Track 4: @Reddydie | 0:54
Track 5: @diakitty45 | 1:08
Track 6: @AzureGhostAMV | 1:22
Track 7: @ZukiEditz | 1:37
Track 8: @gwstudios343 | 1:51
Track 9: @Wolf_Kenobi | 2:05
Track 10: @RockOnRatchet95 | 2:20
Track 11a: @antothepenguin | 2:35
Track 11b: @SilentKatsuviaEditz | 2:41
Track 12: @MinekoNyanAMVs | 2:49
Track 13: @EnchantedNebula | 3:08
Outro: 3:31
[Additional information]
Theme: The primary focus should be Sonic. Other characters can be used only with the following lyrics: - “Time to live our lives“, “Set the world on fire“, “From the ashes, we will rise“, “The crimes and sins of everyone“, We’re covered in blood from the battles that we have won“.
Editing Style: Raw, action, drama.
Color Palette: (Editor’s choice) - Don’t use any coloring. (Don’t use black & white, either). Basically, leave completely raw. Use dull color tones, desaturated colors, or dark colors (black & white, dark red etc).
Host: @EnchantedNebula
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