龚俊是分享欲旺盛的人,他希望将生活中的快乐传递给他人,让大家感受到这份快乐,这也是他将自己感受的乐趣放大的过程。#龚俊 #GongJun #龔俊

This year, Gong Jun has a “World Collection“ folder to post travel plog sometimes. One is to record the scenaries seen, cuisine enjoyedand interesting items witness, this folder is also to share what he has seen and watched, and let everyone have a look of the world he has seen through these these plog, the photo selection and arrangement are his own Jun is a person who likes to share - he wishes to share joys in life to others, let everyone feel the happiness. This is of course a process of him amplifying the joy experienced. 今年龚俊Simon 有发一个“世界收藏夹”板块,不定期地发布旅行plog。一方面是为了把自己看过的景色、吃过的美食、有趣的见闻记录下来,另一方面也是为了跟大家分享自己的所见所闻,让他们能通过我的记录看我看过的世界。在这些旅行plog里,选的照片和排版都是他自己的想法。龚俊是一个分享欲还挺旺盛的人,他希望将生活中的快乐传递给他人,让大家能共同感受到这份快乐,当然这也是他将自己所感受到的乐趣放大的一个过程。 #GongJun #SimonGong #龚俊 #龚俊Simon #龔俊 #공준 #ゴンジュン #กงจวิ้น #cungtuấn
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