Among the numerous hits produced by the hit pair of Amitabh Bachchan and Shashi Kapoor, Namak Halaal stands out as the most entertaining of the lot. Arjun Singh (Amitabh Bachchan), an oprhan brought up by his grandfather, relocates to the city in search of a job. Arjun finds employment as a singer/dancer in a hotel owned by Raja (Shashi Kapoor) and impresses him with his unconditional loyalty. Arjun thwarts every attempt of Girdar Singh (Satyendra Kapoor) and his son Ranjeet (Ranjeet) to kill Raja. But how
10 years ago 00:06:37 37
Преданный слуга / Namak Halaal (1982)
10 years ago 00:06:50 90
(Преданный слуга/Namak Halaal) - Raat Baki Baat Baki Hona Hai Jo
10 years ago 00:06:17 25
Aaj Rapat Jaayen To -(Преданный слуга/Namak Halaal 1982)
11 years ago 00:06:15 10
(Преданный слуга / Namak halaal) - Thodi si jo pee lee hai chori