Desk of Ladyada - Stemma Sunday ATtiny dev board

OK we finally spent a few hours and finished up our UPDI stand-alone programming code. That means we can start releasing some ATtiny8xx designs because we will be able to program/test them nice and fast. First up is a basic breakout with QT connectors. Let’s maybe put together a tester? The Great Search - Alternative for CP2014 USB to UART A die-hard interface chip that is the backbone of many-a-devboard is the USB-to-UART adapter chip. While many micros come with native USB, there is still a large number that have UART only - like the ESP32, or RISC-V cores. Since most computers don’t have a UART/RS232 port anymore, we’re often converting UART to USB. For many years, we really like the CP2104 for low-cost and consistant/reliable behavior. That’s NRND now, so what shall we find to replace it? #adafruit #deskofladyada #thegreatsearch Visit the Adafruit shop online - ----------------------------------------- LIVE CHAT IS HERE!
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