💦 MONO BLUE PONZA is back again! 【 MTG Modern 】

📄 Decklist (TCGplayer) ➤ Due to high demand, we are heading back to Modern Mono Blue Ponza yet again. I personally think this deck is pretty bad, but I will admit it’s extremely fun to keep ruining your opponent’s mana and bouncing their lands. Every time we played this deck in the past, we kept trying to Annex their lands so we can ramp into a Frost Titan, but today we are doing it differently. We are trying to color screw our opponents with Spreading Seas effects so we can clear the way to play stompy creatures and devotion such as Tempest Djinn and Master of Waves. There’s lots of ways to brew Land Destruction in mono blue, and this version might be weird, but let’s just humor it one more time... ⭐️ ManaTraders (Code MerynMoon to save 15%) ➤ 🎨 YourPlaymat (Code MERYN10YP to save 10%) ➤ 🧡 Patreon ➤ 📺 Twitch ➤ 🐤 MTG
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