Jaan Toomik - “Waterfall“

Waterfall 2005 min, DVD video installation In “Waterfall” we see a man, the artist, simply standing very close to the torrential flow of a powerful waterfall. Clearly, constantly pounding behind the man. The film is however silent with the man calmly, silently, sadly looking towards the viewer. After some moments the man slowly opens his mouth wide and from this “pours” the deafening sound of the pounding water behind. This continues for some seconds, after which he closes his mouth, returning the world back to a “deafening” silence. The man then slowly exits the field of vision by walking across stones back to the bank of the river. The man presents us with the image of a medium, a vessel or echo chamber, through which the world around him is transformed and presented to us as spectators. A process which is somehow the burden of the artist and without which he has no meaningful voice.
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