[Trailer] 皇家女將 (She Shoots Straight) - HD Version

She Shoots Straight皇家女將 (1990) 導演: 元奎 領銜主演: 劉嘉玲, 高麗虹, 鄧碧雲, 梁家輝 黃氏是警察世家, 大兒黃宗保與妻高麗萍同屬高級警官, 萍因公事與宗保之妹玲有私怨, 令萍受盡委屈. 在一次圍捕越南匪徒行動中, 玲因失職被上司處分, 反指萍從中作梗, 雙人關係更劣. 另一方面, 宗保在追查越南匪徒時被殺, 姑嫂二人痛失至親, 決放下成見…… Director: Yuen Fui Starring: Carina Lau, Joyce Nina Godenzi, Tang Bik Wan, Tony Leung Ka Fai The Huang family is a family of police, old Huang and his sons and daughters are all brave police officers. The son Tsung-Pao’s wife is also a senior policewoman Mina. But the sisters don’t like Mina. They make sure she does not have a good time while Mina suffers in silence. A raid on a Vietnamese gang was ordered, but sister Ling commits a serious mistake and the whole operation falls. The gangsters strike back, they kill Tsung-Pao and blow up his coffin. That unites the distaff Huang. they go into action to shoot down the lawless. _______________________________ Fortune Star Official Website: Fortune Star Facebook: Canxing Media Official Channel: © 2010 Fortune STAR Media Limited. ALL RIGHT RESERVED.
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