Conway Scenic Railroad Upper Dome Dorthea Mae North Conway

Dome Car, the Dorthea Mae, was built by the Budd Company in 1955 for service on the Empire Builder, the Great Northern Railroad’s flagship out of Chicago. It was conveyed to Amtrak in 1971 and also served on the Alaska Railroad and Cape Cod Scenic Railroad prior to being purchased by the Conway Scenic Railroad in December of 1997. The car is climate controlled with its own snack bar. The Lower Dome is considered First Class Seating; Upper Dome is Premier Seating. It has been in service on the Notch Train since 2002. It also serves on the Valley Trains weekends in April & May and late October through December, on either end of the Notch Train’s regular season. #northconway #conwayscenicrailroad #conway
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