Hello everyone! :) the speedpaint is finally finished! It was difficult putting the right songs on this really stressed me out, but I think I’m satisfied. Talking about songs, someone asked me if I could post my Spotify playlist and I think it would be a great idea, I just need to order a few things and it will be ready.
HOLLY SHIT 1010 FOLLOWERS???!!! you guys are amazing, thank you so much, this means a lot to me! :,,) I don´t even know hOw but thank you.
Hola guapos JEWDJH digo- hola a todos :) El speedpaint está finalmente terminado! fue medio difícil poner las canciones correctas pero creo que estoy satisfecha con el resultado. Hablando de canciones alguien me preguntó si podía publicar mis playlists de Spotify, me pareció una buena idea así que lo haré pero primero ordenaré unas cos