NEW Willbender Guardian Elite Specialization Gameplay & Overview | Guild Wars 2: End of Dragons

Introducing the new Elite Specialization for Guardians in Guild Wars 2, The Willbender. A willbender’s bladework is unmatched and wielding a sword in their off-hand gives them extra opportunities for ruthless cuts. 🐲 Pre-order Guild Wars 2 End of Dragons: 🌟 Or Try out Guild Wars 2 For Free: 💙 Pre-ordering or Creating a Free Account will Financially support my channel. 00:00 | Intro 00:54 | Spell Overview 15:32 | Talent & Build 26:56 | Ending Thanks For Watching, Subscribe & Like if you enjoyed the video! 💙 Subscribe for more videos ► 👑 Become a Member for only 1$ ► ​ 🔴 Livestreaming on Youtube ► ​ 🤖 Join my Discord server and Let’s talk about games ► #GuildWars2 #GW2EOD #GW2
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