Shoigu: Conscripts not being sent to Ukraine; Russia’s ’MilitaryOp’ to continue until goal completed - YouTube

After reporting to President Putin on the “liberation“ of Ukraine’s Luhansk region. Shoigu, Russia’s Defense Minister ordered top officials and troops to continue fighting.   Shoigu added that Russia will not send its newly recruited personnel with over 89,000 in number, to fight in Ukraine. News has broken that a number of Russian conscripts had seen action in the conflict zone.   Russia conscripts around 400,000 young men annually for compulsory service but Putin has repeatedly said draftees would not be deployed to Ukraine.   On the ground, Russian troops are  pressing deeper into the eastern Donetsk region, marking a new phase in the five-month conflict. Editor: Lily __________________ Powered by Shanghai Media Group, ShanghaiEye focuses on producing top-quality content for Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Youtube. Nobody knows Shanghai better than us.
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