EBRC Jaguar — French Armoured Reconnaissance Vehicle.
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The Jaguar EBRC (Engin Blindé de Reconnaissance et de Combat - Reconnaissance and Combat Armoured Vehicle) is a development of a 6x6 Reconnaissance and Combat Armoured Vehicle for the French Army under the program EBMR Scorpion (Engin Blindé Multi-Rôles - Armoured Multi-roles Vehicles). In December 2014, On the occasion of its visit in the 27th Mountain Infantry Brigade Artillery of Varces (Isère), Jean-Yves LE DRIAN, French Minister of Defence, handed the EBMR (Armoured Multi-roles vehicles) market to the CEOs of the GME (temporary consortium) formed by the French companies Nexter Systems, Renault Trucks Defense and Thales. Prepared by the Armament Procurement Agency (DGA), this market plans the development, manufacturing and support of the EBMR of the SCORPION program. Under the EBMR contract, the Reconnaissance and Combat Armoured Vehicle Jaguar EBRC will replace the AMX-10RC, the ERC-90 Sagaie and the VAB Hot in service with the French Army. The EBMR program includes the delivery of 248 Jaguar EBRC to the French Army which could be started in 2020. A total of 110 vehicles are expected to be delivered until 2025. In June 2017, the Belgian Council of Ministers gave its green light to a proposal of the Defense Minister Steven Vandeput for launching the acquisition of France-made armored vehicles. Under a US$ program, Belgium plans to purchase 60 Jaguar EBRC combat and reconnaissance vehicles and 417 Griffon VBMR multirole armored vehicles. On October 26, 2018, the Belgian Council of Ministers approved the proposal of the Belgian Minister of Defense to award the purchase of new combat vehicles Jaguar EBRC (reconnaissance wheeled armored vehicle) and Griffon VBMR ( wheeled multi-role armored vehicle) to France for the benefit of the Belgian Land Component. In January 2022, the French army took delivery of the first batch of 20 Jaguar EBRC that were delivered to the “1er Régiment de Chasseurs d’Afrique“, a cavalry regiment of the French army. On May 10, 2022, France ordered a new batch of 88 Jaguar Reconnaissance and Combat Armoured Vehicles. The Jaguar’s primary weapon, mounted in a two-man turret, is the CTA International CT40 cannon firing 40mm case telescoped ammunition with a rate of fire of 200 rounds per minute and a maximum effective range of 1,500 meters. Two Akron MP anti-tank guided missiles are fitted to the turret launcher with two reloads stored inside. It also carries a remote controlled machine gun mounted on top of the turret and eight smoke grenades. The Jaguar can lift its cannon 45° up, allowing it to fire on aerial targets.
Бронированная разведывательно-боевая машина Jaguar (Armoured Reconnaissance and Combat Vehicle Jaguar) или EBRC Jaguar - французская бронированная разведывательная машина, которая заменит разведывательные и огневые машины AMX 10 RC и ERC 90 Sagaie французской армии, а также VAB Mephisto. Для разработки и производства нового автомобиля был создан консорциум Nexter, Thales и Renault Trucks Defense. Тот же консорциум также строит многоцелевую бронированную машину VBMR Griffon для французской армии, которая разделяет 70% своих компонентов с EBRC Jaguar. Боевая масса машины около 25 т. Оснащена оптоэлектронными приборами разведки, системой предупреждения экипажа о лазерном облучении, антиснайперским звукопеленгаторным комплексом, фильтровентиляционной установкой РХБ-защиты. Вооружение: 40-мм пушка CTA International CT40, дистанционно управляемый модуль вооружения с 7,62-мм пулеметом, пусковая установка с двумя ПТУР Akeron MP и восемь ПУ дымовых гранат.
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