Yamunastakam ~ Karnamrita Devi Dasi

A Bhakti art devotional slideshow featuring images of Lord Sri Krishna and His transcendental associates sporting in the waters of the sacred Yamuna river. The slideshow also features photographs of the sacred Yamuna river at the holy City of Sri Vrindavana Dhama, the birthplace, and pastime site of Lord Krishna during His appearance on Earth five thousand years ago. The video is set to the Sanskrit bhajan “Sri Yamunastakam“ composed by Vaisnava saint Srila Rupa Goswami from His book “Stavamala.“ It is performed by accomplished Vaisnava bhajan artist Karnamrita Devi Dasi. Some art plates by Vasudeva Krishna Dasa. Enhanced plate by Vishnu108. The English translation follows.... For Sanskrit and English Translation follow the link at the bottom of the page. TRANSLATION 1) May Sri Yamuna, who is the daughter of Suryadeva, who saves one from having to enter the city of her brother Yamaraja, the sight of whom enables the most sinful persons to cross the ocean of sin, and the sweetness of whose water charms th
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